Saturday, August 9, 2008

I think I may need to be more specific....

So the other day Jasper and I are getting dressed. Or rather, I'm getting dressed, making coffee, making breakfast, getting lunches together, getting bags together. Jasper is running around naked.
I tell her, "Jasper, go get some underwear and put it on."
"OK, Mama!" she tells me.
There is more running around, my room, her room, my room, her room. I hear drawers opening and closing, the closet door flung open. More running back and forth. I poke my head into her room, and Jasper has 5 pairs of her underwear out on her bed. She is arranging, fiddling, talking to her babies and singing some song about the weather and underwear.
"Jasper," I say, "Put on some underwear."
"OK, Mama!"
I'm half dressed myself. In the middle of the dishes I call out, "Jasper! Do you have your underwear on?"
"Yeah, Mama!"
I hear her in my room, so I go in to check it out. There she is, on my bed, with a pair of my underwear - you know, the one that comes in a pack of six that you know you're never going to wear but you keep anyway... just in case. That pair. And she's got them on, pulled up to her armpits, jumping on my bed, singing her underwear song. I love this kid.

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