Saturday, January 10, 2009

Insert Foot In Mouth

I'm taking a bootcamp fitness class this month. You know the kind where you get your sorry ass up out of bed at 4.30 am, stuff yourself into your sports bra, slog into the car, coffee in hand, and weave yourself to the meeting place. Can't be late - have to be there by 5.30 am or it cost you 20 pushups. Then you do crazy ass circuit training for an hour, where you can't swear (costs you 20 pushups), talk about donuts or twinkies (another 20 pushups) or have anything less than a chipper positive attitude (you got it - 20 pushups). Now I can handle them all but the last one - me being positive right now is kinda hard, ESPECIALLY AT 5.30 IN THE FRIGGIN MORNING WITH NO COFFEE AND DRIVING IN AN ICE STORM.
Excuse me while I do my pushups....
So the funny for today isn't really so funny, but it's just so gosh darn embarassing that I think it counts. There are 15 or so women in the class, excuse me, bootcamp. Most of them are Wellesley types, or at least look like Wellesley types: showered, did their hair, have designer, MATCHING outfits (yoga pants and high performance wicking tops with the bra built in), high end bags to hold their weights (oh yes, SEVERAL sets) and a well used Gaia yoga mat. Me? I'm in old running shorts and a ratty t-shirt (next week I'm only wearing my beer party shirts: "Hey, Where'd that beer bitch go?") Seriously, I'm the only dyke there and the only one with their knees showing. While I do have a Gaia yoga mat, it's so new it wants to stay rolled up and Jasper picked it out (with matching carry strap, thank you very much). Anyhoo, there is a woman, attired as above, looked to be about 6 months pregnant, maybe 7. I was impressed. You go girl! She's doing modified exercises, not going all out crazy, glowing instead of swearing like a pig. So I think hey - if SHE can do this, then so can I. Inspiring for 2 days. After day 3, at the end of class, she's leaning up against the table, rubbing her belly. Her designer high performance wicking shirt is clinging to her belly and you can even see her belly button has popped out. Maybe 8 months then? She's carressing her belly, so I say, "Hey! Anyone moving in there?" ... you know, kids sometimes get all endorphined up when Mom exercises... She looks at me and says....
Wait for it....
You know it's coming....
"I'm not pregnant."
Holy balls.

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